23 They that go downe to the see in shyppes, and occupie their busynesse in great waters.
24 These men se the worckes of the Lord, and his wonders in the deape.
25 For at his word, the stormy wynd ariseth, which lyfteth vp the waues therof.
26 They are caryed vp to the heauen, and downe agayne to the deape, their soule melteth awaye because of the trouble.
27 They rele to and fro, and stacker lyke a droncken man, & are at their wittes ende.
28 So whan they crye vnto the Lord in their trouble, he delyuereth them out of their distresse.
29 For he maketh the storme to ceasse, so that the waues therof are styll.
30 Then are they glad because they be at rest, and so he bryngeth them vnto the hauen where they wolde be.