23 They that go downe to the see in shyppes, and occupie their busynesse in great waters.
Psalms 107:23 Cross References - Great
Psalms 48:7
7 Thou shalt breake the shyppes of the see, thorow the east wynde.
Isaiah 42:10
10 Synge vnto the Lorde, a newe songe of thanckesgeuinge, blowe out his prayse from the ende of the worlde. They that be vpon the see, and all that is therin, prayse hym, the Iles and they that dwell in them.
Ezekiel 27:26
26 Thy robbers shall brynge the into grett waters, the easte winde shall ouerbeare the into the myddest of the see:
Acts 27:9-28
9 when moche tyme was spent, and whan sayling was now ieoperdous, because also that they had ouerlonge fasted, Paul put them in remembraunce,
10 and sayd vnto them: Syrs I perceaue, that thys viage wilbe wyth hurte and moche damage, not of the ladynge and shyp onely, but also of your lyues:
11 Neuerthelesse the vnder captayne beleued the gouerner & the master of the shyp more then those thynges whych were spoken of Paul.
12 And because the hauen was not commodious to wynter in, many toke counsell to departe thence, yf by eny meanes they myght attayne to Phenices & there to wynter, whych is an hauen of Candy, and lyeth toward the southwest and north west wynde.
13 When the south wynde blewe, they supposynge to obtayne their purpose, loosed vnto Asson, and sayled past all Candy.
14 But not long after, ther arose agaynst theyr purpose, a flawe of wynde out of the northeast.
15 And when the shyp was caught & could not resyst the wynde, we let her go, and draue with the wether.
16 But we were caryed in to an yle whych is named Clauda, and had moche worke to come by a bote,
17 whych they toke vp, and vsed helpe, & made fast the shyppe, fearinge, lest they shuld fall into the Syrtes. And so they let downe a vessell, and were caryed.
18 The nexte daye (when we were tossed wyth an exceadinge tempest) they lyghttened the shyp,
19 and the thyrde daye we cast out wyth oure awne handes the taklynge of the shippe.
20 When at the last, nether the sunne nor starres in many dayes appeared, and no small tempest laye vpon vs, all hope that we shuld escape, was then taken awaye.
21 But after longe abstynence, Paul stode forth in the myddes of them, & sayde: Syrs, ye shulde haue harkened to me, and not haue loosed from Candy, nether to haue brought vnto vs thys harme & losse.
22 And now I exhorte you to be of good chere. For ther shalbe no losse of eny mans lyfe amonge you, saue of the ship onely.
23 For ther stode by me thys nyght the angell of God, whose I am, and who I serue,
24 saying: feare not Paul thou must be brought before Cesar, And lo, God hath geuen the all them that sayle wyth the.
25 Wherfore syrs be of good chere: for I beleue God, that it shalbe euen as it was tolde me.
26 How be it we must be cast into a certayne ylonde:
27 But when the fourtenth nyght was come (as we were sayling in Adria about mydnyght) the shypmen demed, that ther appeared some countre vnto them:
28 and sounded, & founde it .xx. feddoms. And when they had gone a lytell further, they sounded agayne, and founde .xv. feddoms.
Revelation 18:17
17 for at one houre so great ryches is come to nought. And euery shyppe gouerner, and all they that occupied shyppes, and shypmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of,