43 Wherfore yf thy hande hynder the, cut it of. It is beter for the, to entre into lyfe maymed, then (hauynge two handes) to go into hell, into fyre that neuer shalbe quenched,
44 where theyr worme dyeth not, and the fyre goeth not out.
45 And yf thy fote be a hynderaunce vnto the, cut it of. It is better for the to go halt into lyfe, then (hauynge two fete) to be cast into hell, into fyre that neuer shalbe quenched:
46 where theyr worme dyeth not, and the fyre goeth not out.
47 And yf thyne eye hinder the plucke it out. It is better for the to go into the kyngedome of God wyth one eye, then (hauynge two eyes) to be cast into hell fyre:
48 where theyr worme dyeth not, and the fyre goeth not out.
49 Euery man shalbe salted wyth fyre. And euery sacrifyce shalbe seasoned with salt.