45 And streyght waye he caused his disciples to go into the shyppe, and to go ouer the see before vnto Bethsayda, whyle se sent awaye the people.
46 And assone as he had sent them awaye, he departed into a mountayne to pray.
47 And when euen was come, the shyppe was in the myddes of the see, and he alone on the lande,
48 & he sawe them troubled in rowynge, for the wynde was contrary vnto them. And aboute the fourth watch of the nyght, he came vnto them, walkynge vpon the see, and wolde haue passed by them.
49 But when they sawe hym walkynge vpon the see, they supposed it had bene a sprete, & cryed out:
50 for they all sawe hym, and were afrayed. And anone he talked wyth them, and sayd vnto them: be of good cheare, it is I, be not afrayed.
51 And he went vp vnto them into the shyppe, & the wynde ceased, & they were sore amased in them selues beyonde measure, and marueyled.
52 For they remembred not of the loaues, because their herte was blynded.