Mark 5:9-13

Great(i) 9 And he asked hym: what is thy name? And he answered and sayde vnto hym: my name is Legion, for we are many. 10 And he prayd hym instantly, that he wolde not sende them awaye out of the countre. 11 But ther was there nye vnto the mountayns a greate heerd of swyne fedynge, 12 & all the deuyls besought him, sayinge: sende vs in to the heerd of swyne, that we maye enter into them. 13 And anone Iesus gaue them leaue. And the vncleane spretes went out, and entred in to the swyne. And the heerd was caryed headlyng into the see. They were allmost .ij.M. and were drowned in the see.