56 But whan one of the wenches behelde hym, as he sate by the fyer (and loked vp on hym) she sayde: thys same felow was also wyth hym.
57 And he denyed hym, saying: woman: I knowe hym not.
58 And after a lytell whyle, another sawe hym, and sayd, thou art also of them. And Peter sayd: man I am not.
59 And about the space of an houre after, another affyrmed, sayinge: verely thys felowe was wyth hym also, for he is of Galile.
60 And Peter sayde: man I wote not what thou sayest. And immediatly whyll he yet spake, the cocke crew.
61 And the Lorde tourned backe, and loked vpon Peter. And Peter remembred the worde of the Lord, how he had sayd vnto hym: before the cocke crowe, thou shalt deuye me thryse.
62 And Peter went out, and wepte byttrely.