24 And ther was a stryfe amonge them, whych of them shuld seme to be the greatest.
25 And he sayde vnto them: the kynges of nacyons raygne ouer them: and they that haue auctoryte vpon them, are called gracious lordes.
26 But ye shall not be so. But he that is greatest amonge you, shalbe as the younger: and he that is chefe, shalbe as he that doth mynister.
27 For whether is greater, he that sytteth at meate, or he that serueth? Is not he that sytteth at meate? But I am amonge you, as he that mynistreth.
28 Ye are they, whych haue bydden wyth me in my temptacyons.
29 And I apoynt vnto you a kyngdom, as my father hath apoynted to me:
30 that ye maye eate and dryncke at my table in my kyngdome, & syt on seates, iudgynge the twelue trybes of Israell.