Luke 1:13-20

Great(i) 13 But the Angell sayde vnto him: feare not Zachary, for thy prayer is hearde. And thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare the a sonne, and thou shalt call his name Iohn, 14 and thou shalt haue ioye and gladnes, and many shall reioyce at his byrth. 15 For he shalbe greate in the syght of the Lorde, and shall nether drincke wyne ner stronge drincke. And he shalbe fylled with the holy goost, euen from his mothers wombe: 16 and many of the chyldren of Israel shall tourne to their Lord God. 17 And he shall go before him in the sprite & power of Helias to tourne the hertes of the fathers to the children, and the vnbeleuers to the wysdome of the iuste men, to make readye a perfecte people for the Lorde. 18 And Zacharias sayde vnto the angell: by what token shall I knowe this? For I am olde, and my wyfe well strycken in yeres. 19 And the angell answered, and sayd vnto him. I am Gabriel, that stande in the presens of God, and am sent to speake vnto the: and to shewe the these glad tydinges. 20 And beholde it shall come to passe, that thou shalt be domme, and not be hable to speake, vntill the daye that these thinges be performed, because thou beleuedst not my wordes, which shalbe fulfylled in their season.