1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses sayinge:
2 speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: If any man will geue a synguler vowe vnto the Lord accordynge to the value of the soules,
3 the value of the male from twentye yeare olde vnto sixtye shalbe fyftie sycles of siluer, after the weyght of the sanctuary.
4 And yf it be a female, the value shalbe thyrtye sicles.
5 And from fyue yeares to twentye, the male shalbe set at twentye sicles, and the female at ten sycles.
6 And from a moneth vnto fyue yeare, the male shalbe set at fyue sycles of syluer, and the female at thre.
7 And he that is syxtie yeare olde, and aboue, shalbe valued at fiftene sicles, and the woman at ten.
8 But If he be to poore so to be set, he shall present himselfe before the preast: & the preast shall value him, accordinge as the hande of him that vowed is able to gett, euen so shall the prest value him.
9 If it be a beaste of which men bringe an offrynge vnto the Lorde: all that any man geueth of soche vnto the Lorde, shalbe counted holy.
10 He shall not alter it nor chaunge it: a good for a bad, or a bad for a good. And yf he chaunge beast for beast, then both the same beast and it also wherwith it was chaunged shalbe holy.
11 If it be any maner of vnclene beast, of which men do not offer a sacrifyce vnto the Lord, he shall set the beast before the preast,
12 and the preast shall value it, whether it be good or bad. And as the preast setteth it, so shall it be.
13 But yf he will bye it agayne, he shall geue the fyft parte moare about that it was set at.
14 If any man dedicate his house, to be holy vnto the Lord, the preast shall set it, whether it be good or bad: and as the preast hath set it, so shall the value be.
15 And whan he that sanctifyed it wyll redeme hys house, lett hym geue the fyft parte of the money that it was iudged at therto, and it shalbe hys.
16 If a man halowe a pece of hys enhereted lande vnto the Lorde, it shalbe set accordynge to the sede therof. If it beare an homer of barlye, it shalbe set at fyftie sycles of syluer.
17 If he halowe his felde immediatly from the yeare of iubely, it shalbe worth accordinge as it is estemed.
18 But and yf he halowe hys felde after the Iubelye, the preast shall recken the money accordinge to the nombre of the yeares that remayne vnto the yeare of Iubely folowynge, & there after it shall be lower sett.
19 If he that consecrated the felde, wyll redeme it agayne, let hym put the fyft parte of the pryce that it was set at there vnto,
20 and it shalbe hys, And yf he wyll not redeme the felde, but selleth the felde to another man, he maye redeme it nomore.
21 But when the felde goeth out in the yeare of iubelye, it shalbe made holy vnto the Lord: euen as a felde that is vtterly put awaye, and it shall be the preastes possessyon.
22 If a man sanctyfye vnto the Lord a felde, whych he hath boughte, and is not of his enheritaunce,
23 the preast shall reken vnto hym what it is worth vnto the yeare of iubelye, & he shall geue the pryce that it is set at, the same daye, as a thynge consecrated vnto the Lorde.
24 And in the yeare of iubelye, the felde shall returne vnto him of whome he boughte it, euen to him, whose enheritaunce of land it is.
25 And all settynge shalbe accordynge to the cycle of the sanctuary. One sycle conteyneth twenye halfpens.
26 But the fyrst borne of the beastes that is appoynted vnto the Lorde, maye no man sanctifye: whether it be oxe or shepe, for it is the Lordes allredy.
27 If it be an vncleane beast, he shall redeme it, as it is sett at, and geue the fyfth parte moare therto: Or, yf it be not redemed, it shalbe solde, accordynge to the value.
28 Notwithstandynge, no damned thynge that a man putteth from hym and dedycateth vnto the Lorde, of all his good (whether it be man or beast or lande of hys enheritaunce) maye be sold or redemed: for euery thinge so put awaye, is most holy vnto the Lorde.
29 Let no damned thynge that a man separateth, be redemed, but dye the death.
30 Euery tyth of the lande whych is of the sede of the lande, or of the frute of the trees, is the Lordes, and is sanctified vnto the Lord.
31 And yf a man wyll redeme ought of hys tythes, let him adde the fifth parte therto.
32 And euery tyth of oxe and of shepe and of euery beest that goeth vnder the rodd euen euery tenth shalbe holy vnto the Lord.
33 He shall not loke yf it be good or bad, ner chaunge it. Els, yf he chaunge it, both it, and that it was chaunged withall, shalbe halowed vnto the Lorde, and maye not be redemed.
34 These are the commaundementes, whych the Lorde commaunded by Moses vnto the chyldren of Israel in mount Sinai.