21 Thou shalt also not geue of thy seed to offer it vnto Moloch: neyther shalt thou defyle the name of thy God. I am the Lorde.
22 Thou shalt not lye wyth mankynde as wt womankynde, for it is abominacyon.
23 Thou shalt lye wyth no maner of beaste to defyle thy selfe therwith, nether shall any woman stonde before a beast, to lye doune therto, for it is abhominacyon.
24 Ye shall not defyle youre selues in any of these thynges, wherin all the nacyons are defyled whyche I cast out before you:
25 Wherthorowe the lande is defyled, and I will vysett the wykednesse therof vpon it, yea & the lande it selfe hath cast out her inhabiters.
26 Ye shall kepe therfore myne ordinaunces, & my iudgementes, and commyt none of these abhominacyons: nether any of you nor any straunger that soiourneth amonge you
27 (for all these abhominacions haue the men of the lande done whyche were there before you, & the lande is defyled.)
28 Shall not the lande spewe you out also (yf ye defyle it) as it spewed out the people that were before you?
29 For whosoeuer shall commytt any of these abhominacyons, the same soules that commyt them, shall peryshe from amonge their people.
30 Therfore shall ye kepe my watche, that ye committ not one of these abhominable customes whych were commytted before you: and that ye defyle not youre selues therin. I am the Lorde youre God.