Lamentations 4:3-9

Great(i) 3 The dragons geue theyr yong ones suck with bare brestes: but the daughter of my people is cruell, and dwelleth in the wyldernesse lyke the Estriches. 4 The tonges of the suckynge chyldren, cleue to the rofe of theyr mouthes for very thyrst. The yonge children aske bread, but there is no man that geueth it them. 5 They that were wonte to fare delycatly, peryshe in the streates: they that afore were brought vp in purple, make nowe moche of donge. 6 The synne of the daughter of my people is become greater then the wyckednes of Sodome, that sodenly was destroyed, and not taken with handes. 7 Her absteyners (or Nazarees) were whyter then the snowe or mylke: theyr coloure was fresshe, reade as Corall, theyr bewtye lyke the Saphyre. 8 But nowe theyr faces very blacke. In so moche, that thou shuldest not knowe them in the streates. Theyr skynne cleueth to theyr bones, It is withered and become lyke a drye stocke. 9 They that be slayne with the sweard are happyer then soche as dye of honger, and peryshe awaye, famyshynge for the frutes of the felde.