Joshua 6:13-20

Great(i) 13 and seuen Preastes bare seuen trompettes of rammes hornes, & went before the arcke of the Lorde, and blew with the trompettes. And all the men of armes went before them, but the comen people came after the arcke of the Lorde, which went before with the blowing of the trompettes. 14 And the seconde daye they compased the cytie once, & retourned agayne into the hoste, & so they dyd sixe dayes. 15 And when the seuenth daye came, they rose erlye: euen with the dawninge of the daye, and compased the cytie after the same maner seuen tymes: only that daye they compased the cytie seuen tymes. 16 And at the seuenth tyme, whan the preastes blewe wt the trompettes, Iosua sayd vnto the people: showt, for the Lorde hath geuen you the cytie. 17 And the cytie shalbe damned bothe it and all that are therin, vnto the Lorde: onlye Rahab the harlot shall lyue, and all that are with her in the house, because she hidd the messengers that we sent. 18 And in anywise be ye ware of the excommunicate thinges, lest ye make youre selues excommunicate, & take of the excommunicate thinges, and make the hoste of Israel excommunicate and trouble it. 19 But all the siluer, golde, vesselles of brasse, & yron shalbe consecrate vnto the Lorde, & shal come into his treasurie. 20 And the people showted, and blewe wyth trompettes. And when the people heard the sounde of the trompe, they showted wt a great showt: & the wall fell downe, so that the people went vp into the cytie, euery man streyght before him,