13 And seuen priestes bare seuen trumpettes of rammes hornes, and went before the arke of the Lorde: and goyng, blewe with the trumpettes. And the men of armes went before them: but the gatheryng hoast came after the arke of the Lorde, whiche went before with the blowyng of the trumpettes
14 And the seconde daye they passed the citie once, and returned againe into the hoast: and so they dyd sixe dayes
15 And when the seuenth day came, they rose early [euen] with the dawnyng of the day, & compassed the citie after the same maner seuen tymes: only that day they compassed the citie seue times
16 And at the seuenth tyme when the priestes blew with the trumpettes, Iosuah sayde vnto the people: Showt, for the Lorde hath geuen you the citie
17 And the citie shalbe accursed and al that are therin, vnto the Lorde: onlye Rahab the harlot shal liue, and all that are with her in the house, because she hyd the messengers that we sent
18 And in any wyse be ye ware of the accursed thinges, lest ye make your selues accursed, & take of the accursed thynges, and make the hoast of Israel accursed, and trouble it
19 But all the syluer, golde, vesselles of brasse and iron, shalbe consecrate vnto the Lorde, and all shall come into his treasurie
20 And the people showted, and blewe with trumpettes: And when the people heard the sound of the trumpe, they showted with a great showt, and the wall fell downe flat, so that the people went vp into ye citie, euery man straight before hym, and toke the citie