1 And these are the contreyes which the chyldren of Israell enhereted in the lande of Canaan, which Eleazer the preaste, and Iosua the sonne of Nun and the auncient heades of the trybes of the chyldren of Israell, distributed to them.
2 By lotte they receaued their possessions as the Lorde commaunded by the hande of Moses, to geue vnto the nyne trybes, & vnto the halfe trybe.
3 For Moses had geuen enheritaunce vnto two trybes and an halfe on the other syde Iordan. But vnto the Leuites he gaue none enheritaunce amonge them.
4 For the children of Ioseph were two tribes, Manasses & Ephraim. And therfore they gaue no parte vnto the Leuites in the land, saue cyties to dwell in with the suburbes of the same, for their beastes and cattell.
5 As the Lorde commaunded Moses: euen so the children of Israel did when they deuided the lande.