Job 6:15-23

Great(i) 15 Myne awne brethren passe ouer by me as the water brooke, and as the ryuer of water, do hastely go awaye. 16 But they that feare the hore frost, the snowe shall fall vpon them. 17 When theyr tyme commeth, they shalbe destroyed and peryshe: when they be sett on fyre, they shalbe remoued out of theyr place, 18 for the pathes that they go in, are croked: they haste after vayne thynges, and shall perysh. 19 They turne them to the pathes of Theman, and to the wayes of Saba, wherin they haue put their trust. 20 Confounded are they that put eny confydence in them. For whan they come to obtayne the thynges that they loke for, they are brought to confusion. 21 Euen so are ye also come vnto me: but now that ye se my misery, ye are afrayed. 22 Dyd I desyre you, to bryng vnto me, or to geue me eny of youre substaunce? 23 To delyuer me from the enemyes hande, or to saue me from the hande of tyrauntes?