Job 36:8-13

Great(i) 8 But yf they be layed in preson and cheynes, or bounde with the bondes of trouble, 9 then wyll he shewe them theyr worcke, and the synnes wher with they haue vsed cruell vyolence. 10 He wyth punysshynge and nurtringe of them, roundeth them in the eares, warneth them to leaue of from theyr wyckednesse, & to amende. 11 If they now wyll take hede and serue him, they shall were out theyr dayes in prosperite, and theyr yeares in pleasure and ioye. 12 But yf they wyll not herken, they shall go thorow the swearde, and perysh or euer they be aware. 13 As for soch as be fayned ypocrites, they shall heape vp wrath for them selues: for they call not vpon hym, though they be hys presoners.