Job 24:7-12

Great(i) 7 They are the cause that so many men are naked and bare, hauinge no clothes to couer them and to kepe them from colde: 8 So that when the showers in the mountaynes haue rayned vpon them, & they be all wett, they haue none other succoure, but to kepe them amonge the rockes. 9 They spoyle the suckinge fatherlesse childe, and take the pledge from the poore. 10 In somoch that they let him go naked without clothing, and haue taken awaye the sheafe of the hungrie. 11 The poore are fayne to laboure in their oyle milles, yee, and to treade in theyr wyne presses, and yet to suffre thyrst. 12 The men of the cytie crieth vnto the Lorde with sything, the soules of the slayue also make theyr complainte: But God destroyeth them not for all this,