Job 14:10-14

Great(i) 10 But as for man, when he is dead, perisshed and consumed awaye, what becommeth of hym? 11 The floudes when they be dryed vp, and the ryuers when they be empty, are filled agayne thorowe the flowynge waters of the see: 12 but when man slepeth, he ryseth not agayne, (of hys awne strength) vntyll the heauen perysh: he shall not wake vp ner ryse out of hys slepe. 13 O that thou woldest kepe me, and hyde me in the hell, vntyll thy wrath were stylled: and to appoynte me a tyme, wherin thou myghtest remembre me. 14 Maye a dead man lyue agayne? All the dayes of my lyfe wyll I waite styll, tyll my chaungynge shall come.