Jeremiah 5:1-9

Great(i) 1 Loke thorowe Ierusalem, beholde and se: Seke thorowe her stretes also within, if ye can fynde one man that doeth equall and ryght, or seketh for the truthe, and I shall spare that cytie (sayeth the Lorde) 2 For though they can saye: the Lorde lyueth, yet they sweare to disceyue. 3 Where as thou (O Lord) lokest onely vpon fayth and truthe. Thou hast scourged them, but they toke no repentaunce: thou hast corrected them for amendement, but they refused thy correction. They made theyr faces harder then a stone, and wolde not amende. 4 Therfore I thought in my selfe: peraduenture they are so symple and foolysshe, that they vnderstand nothing of the Lordes way, and iudgementes of our God. 5 Therfore, wyll I go vnto theyr heedes & rulers, & talke with them: yf they knowe the waye of the Lord and the iudgementes of oure God. But these (in lyke maner) haue broken the yocke, and burst the bondes in sondre. 6 Wherfore, a Lyon out of the woodde hath hurte them, and a wolfe in the euenynge shall destroye them. The Leoparde doth lye lurkynge by theyre cytyes, to teare in peces all them that come thereout. For theyr offences are multyplyed, and theyr departynge awaye is encreased. 7 Shulde I then for al this haue mercy vpon the? Thy chyldren haue forsaken me, and sworne by them that are no goddes. And albeit that I fed them to the ful yet they fall to aduoutrye, and haunt harlottes houses. 8 In the desyre of vnclenly lust they are become lyke the stoned horse euery man neyeth at his neyghbours wyfe: 9 Shulde I not correct this, sayth the Lorde? Shulde I not be auenged of euery people, that is lyke vnto this?