14 Then Zedekiah the kynge sent & caused Ieremy the prophete to be called vnto him, into the thyrde entrye, that is in the house of the. Lord. And the kinge sayd vnto Ieremy: I will aske the somewhat but hyde nothynge fro me.
15 Then Ieremy answered Zedekiah: Yf I be playne vnto the, thou wilt cause me to suffre death: If I geue the councell, thou wylt not folowe me.
16 So the king swore an ooth secretly vnto Ieremy, sayinge. As truly as the Lorde lyueth that made vs these soules, I wyll not slaye the, ner geue the into the handes of them that seke after thy lyfe.
17 Then sayde Ieremy vnto Zedekiah. Thus sayeth the Lord of hoostes the God of Israel If case be, that thou wylt go forth vnto the kynge of Babylons prynces, thou shalt saue thy lyfe, and thys cytie shalt not be brent yee, both thou and thy housholde shall escape with youre lyues.
18 But yf thou wylt not go forth to the kynge of Babylons princes, then shall thys cytie be delyuered into the handes of the Caldees, which shall set fyre vpon it, and thou shalt not be able to escape them.
19 And Zedekiah sayde vnto Ieremy. I am afrayde for the Iewes, that are fled vnto the Caldees, lest I come in theyr handes, and so they to haue me in derisyon.
20 But Ieremy answerde: No, they shall not betraye the: O herken vnto the voyce of the Lord (I beseche the) which I speake vnto the so shalt thou be well, and saue thy lyfe.
21 But yf thou wilt not go forth, the Lorde hath tolde me this playnely:
22 Beholde, all the wemen that are left in the kynge of Iudaes house, shalbe led forth out to the kynge of Babilons princes. And they shal saye, that thou art disceaued: and that they whom thou didest put thy trust, haue gotten the vnder, & sett thy fete fast in the myre, and gone their waye from the.
23 Therfore all thy wyues with their chyldren shall they leade forth vnto the Caldees, and thou shalt not escape their handes, but shalt be the kyng of Babilons presoner, & this cytie shalt thou cause to be brent.
24 Then sayde Zedekiah vnto Ieremye: loke that no body knowe of these wordes, and thou shalt not dye.
25 But yf the princes perceaue, that I haue talked with the and come vnto the, saying: O speake, what sayde the king to the? hyde it not from vs, & we wyll not put the to death. Tell vs (we praye the) what sayde the kynge to the?
26 Se thou geue them thys answere: I haue humbly besought the kynge, that he wyll lett me lye nomore in Iehonathans house, that I dye not there.
27 Then came all the princes vnto Ieremy, and asked hym. And he tolde them, after the maner as the kynge bad him. Then they helde theyr peace, and let hym alone for they perceaued nothinge.
28 So Ieremy abode styll in the fore entrie of the preson, vntyll the daye that Ierusalem was wonne.