20 And they went into the kyng to the courte. But they kept the boke in the chambre of Elisama the Scribe, & tolde the kyng all the wordes that he myght heare.
21 So the kyng sent Iehudi to fetch him the boke which he brought out of Elysama the Scribes chambre. And Iehudi red in it, that the kynge and all the prynces, which were aboute him, myght heare.
22 Nowe the kynge sat in the wynter house, for it was in the .ix. Moneth & there was a fyre before him.
23 And when Iehudi had redde thre or foure leaues therof, he cut the boke in peces with a penne knyfe, and cast it into the fyre vpon the harth, vntyll the boke was all brente in the fyre vpon the harth.