20 Thou haste done greate tokens and wonders in the lande of Egypte, as we se thys daye, vpon the people of Israel and vpon those men: to make thy name greate, as it is come to passe thys daye.
21 Thou hast brought thy people of Israel oute of the land of Egipt, with tokens, with wonders, with a myghtye hande, with a stretched out arme and wt greate terriblenes:
22 and hast geuen them this lande, lyke as thou haddest promysed vnto their fathers. Namely, that thou woldest geue them a lande, that floweth with mylke and honye.
23 Nowe when they came therin, and possessed it, they folowed nott thy voyce, and walcked not in thy lawe, but all that thou commaundedest them to do, that haue they not done, and therfore come all these plages vpon them.