Isaiah 63:16-19

Great(i) 16 Yet art thou our father. For Abraham knoweth vs not, nether is Israel acquaynted wt vs. But thou Lorde art our father & redemer, & thy name is euerlastynge. 17 O Lorde, wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy waye: Wherfore hast thou hardened our hertes, that we feare the not? Be at one wt vs agayne, for thy seruauntes sake and for the generacyon of thyne herytage. 18 Thy people hath had but lytle of thy Sanctuary in possessyon, for oure enemyes haue troden downe the holy place. 19 And we were thyne from the begynnynge: when thou wast not their Lorde, for they haue not called vpon thy name.