26 He doth set vp the purpose of his seruaunte, and fulfylleth the councell of his messaungers Concernynge Ierusalem, he sayeth: It shalbe inhabited. And of the cyties of Iuda: They shalhe buylded agayne, and I will repayre theyr decayed places.
27 He sayeth to the grounde: be drye. And I will drye vp thy wader floudes.
28 He sayeth of Cyrus. He is myne herdman: so that he shall fulfyll all thynges after my will. He sayeth also of Ierusalem: It shall be buylded, and of the temple: It shalbe fast grounded.
45 1 Thus sayeth the Lord vnto Cyrus his anoynted whom I haue taken by the ryght hande, to subdue nations before him. I wyll lowse the gyrdle of kynges, & I wyll open the gates before his face, and not to shut their dores.