Ezekiel 36:33-36

Great(i) 33 Moreouer, thus saieth the Lord God: what tyme as I shall clense you from all youre offences, then will I make the cyties to be occupied agayne, and will repaire the places that be decayed. 34 The desolate lande shal be builded agayne, which afore time laye waste in the sight of all them that wente by. 35 Then shal it be sayde: this waste lande is become lyke a garden of pleasure, and the voyde, desolate & broken downe cityes are now strong, & defensed agayne. 36 Then the residue of the Heathen that lye rounde about you, shal knowe that I am the Lorde, which repaire that was broken downe, and plante agayne, that was made waste. Euen I the Lord haue spoken it, and will do it in dede.