8 Now therfore, go thy waie, and wryte thys before them in a table, & note it in a boke, that it maye finally remayne and be kept styll for euer.
9 For it is an obstinat people, and dissembling chyldren, children that refuse to heare the lawe of the Lorde.
10 For they saye vnto the seers: Se not, and to them that be cleare of iudgement: loke not out ryght thinges for vs: but speake fayre wordes vnto vs: loke out erroures,
11 gett you out of this waye, departe out of this path, & turne the holy one of Israel from vs.
12 Wherfore thus sayth the holy one of Israel: Because your hertes rise agaynst this worde, & because ye trust in wrongeous dealyng & peruerse iudgment, & put your confidence therin.
13 Therfore shall ye haue thys myschefe for yo destruccion and fall lyke as an hye wall that falleth, because of some ryfte or blast, whose breaking commeth sodenly.