11 And it happened whan he was come nere to entre in to Egypte, he sayde vnto Sarai hys wyfe: Beholde, I knowe, that thou art a fayre woman to loke vpon.
12 Therfore shall it come to passe that whan the Egypcyans se the, they shall saye: She is hys wyfe. And they shall kyll me, but they shall saue the alyue.
13 Saye (I praye the) that thou art my syster, that I maye fare well for thy sake, and that my soule maye lyue thorowe thy occasyon.
14 And so it happened, whan Abram was come in to Egypte, the Egyptians behelde the woman, for she was very fayre.
15 The prynces also of Pharao sawe her, and commended her before Pharao, and the woman was taken into Pharaos house.
16 And he truly intreated Abram well for her sake, and he had shepe & oxen and he asses, men seruauntes and mayde seruauntes, she asses & camels.
17 And the Lorde smote Pharao and hys house with greate plages because of Sarai Abrams wyfe.
18 And Pharao callinge Abram, sayde Why hast thou done thys vnto me? Why dyddest thou not tell me, that she was thy wyfe?
19 Nowe therfore beholde, there is thy wyfe, take her, and go thy waye:
20 And Pharao gaue the men commaundement concernynge him and they conuayed him furth, and his wyfe, and all that he had.