6 and sayde. My God, I am ashamed, and darre not lyfte vp myne eyes vnto the my God: for oure wyckednesses are growne ouer oure heed, and oure trespace is waxen greate vnto the heauen.
7 Sence the tyme of oure fathers haue we bene in greate trespace vnto this daye, and because of oure wyckednesses haue we and oure kynges bene deliuered into the hande of the kynges of the nacyons, into the swerde, into captiuite, into shame, and into confusion of face, as it is to se this daye.
8 And now is there a lytle & sodayne graciousnes come from the Lorde oure God, in causynge some of vs to escape, and that he maye geue vs a nayle in hys holy place, and that oure God maye lyghte oure eyes, and geue vs a lytle lyfe to take breth in oure bondage.