Ezra 9:11-14

Great(i) 11 whych thou hast commaunded by thy seruauntes the prophetes, sayeng: The lande vnto which ye go to possesse, it is an vncleane land, because of the fylthynes of the people of the landes, whych with theyr abhominacions haue made it full of vncleanesse on euery syde. 12 Therfore shall ye not geue youre daughters vnto their sonnes, and their daughters shall ye not take vnto your sonnes, ner seke their peace & welth for euer, that ye maye be strong, & enioye the good in the land, & that ye & youre chyldren maye haue the enheritaunce of it for euermore. 13 And after that all these thinges are come vpon vs (because of oure euell dedes & greate trespaces) thou oure God hast thrust downe oure wickednesses, & hast geuen vs a delyueraunce, 14 And yf we turne backe agayne, to let go thy commaundementes, and make contracte with the people of these abhominacions, wilt thou not then be wroth at vs (& not without cause) tyl we be vtterly consumed, so that nothyng remayne, and tyll there be no delyueraunce?