1 When ye deuyde the lande by the lot, ye shall put asyde one parte for the Lorde, to be holy from other landes: namely .xxv.M. meteroddes longe, and .x.M. broade. This shalbe holy, as wyde as it is rounde about.
2 Of thys parte there shall belonge vnto the sanctuary .v.C. meteroddes in all the foure corners, & .l. cubites wyde rounde about to the suburbes
3 And from this measure, namely of .xxv.M. meteroddes longe, & .x.M. broade, thou shalt measure, wherin the sanctuary and the holyest of all maye stande.
4 The resydue of that holy grounde shalbe the prestes, which do seruyce in the sanctuary of the Lorde, and goo in before the Lorde to serue hym, that they maye haue rowme to dwell in.
5 As for the sanctuary, it shall stande for it selfe: and to the leuites that serue in the house, there shalbe geuen .xx. habitatyons, of the .xxv.M. length and .x.M. bredth:
6 ye shall geue also vnto the citye a possession of .v.M. meteroddes brode, and .xxv.M. longe, beside the parte of the sanctuary: that shalbe for the whole house of Israel.