6 Then came he vnto the east dore, & wente vp the steares, & measured the postes of the dore, wherof euery one was a meterodde thicke. Euery chambre was a meterodde longe & brode:
7 betwene the chambers were fyue cubytes. The poste of the dore within the porche, was one meterodde.
8 He measured also the porche of the ynnermer dore, which conteyned a meterodde.
9 Then measured he the entrye of the dore, that conteyned eyght cubytes, & his pylers two cubytes: and this entrye stode inwarde.
10 The chambers of the dore eastwarde, were thre on euery syde: a lyke brode and longe. The pilers also that stode of both the sydes were of one measure.
11 After this, he measured the wydenesse of the dore, which was .x. cubytes, & the heygth of the dore .xiii. cubytes.
12 The edge before the chambers was one cubyte brode vpon both the sydes, and the chambres six cubytes wyde of eyther syde.
13 He measured the dore from the rydge of one chambre to another, whose wydenesse was .xxv. cubytes, & one dore stode agaynst another.
14 He made pilers also .lx. cubites hye, rounde about the courte dore.
15 Before the inwarde parte vnto the fore entre of the ynnermer dore, were .L. cubytes.
16 The chambers and their pylers within, rounde about vnto the dore, had syde wyndowes. So had the fore entries also, whose wyndowes wente rounde about within. And vpon the pylers there stode date trees.