Ezekiel 33:14-19

Great(i) 14 Agayne, yf I saye vnto the wycked: thou shalt surely dye: and so he turne from his synnes, and do the thinge that is lawfull and right: 15 In so moch that the same wicked man geueth the pledge agayne, restoreth that he had taken awaye by robbyry, walcketh in the commaundementes of lyfe, and doth no wronge. Then shall he surely lyue, and not dye. 16 Yee, the synnes that he hath done, shall neuer be thought vpon. For in so moch as he doth now the thinge that is lawfull & ryght, he shall lyue. 17 And yet the chyldren of thy people saye: Tush: the waye of the Lorde is not ryght, but they lye, where as their awne waye is rather vnright. 18 When the ryghteous turneth from his ryghteousnes and doth the thing that is wicked he shall dye therfore. 19 But yf the wicked turne from his wickednesse, doing the thinge that is lawfull and right, he shall lyue therfore.