22 Aboue, ouer the heades of the beastes there was a fyrmament, which was fashyoned as it had bene of the most pure Christall, and that was spred oute aboue vpon theyr heades:
23 vnder the same fyrmament were theyr wynges layed abrode, one towarde another and two wynges couered the body of euery beaste.
24 And when they wente forth, I hearde the noyse of theyr wynges, lyke the noyse of greate waters, as it had bene the voyce of the greate God, and a russhynge together as it were of an hoost of men. And when they stode styll, they let downe theyr wynges.
25 Nowe when they stode styll, and had letten downe theyr wynges, it thondred in the fyrmament that was aboue theyr heades.
26 Aboue the fyrmament that was ouer theyr heades, there was the fashyon of a seate, as it had bene made of Saphyr. Upon the seate there satt one lyke a man.
27 I behelde hym, and he was lyke an angell, as it had bene all of fyre within from his loynes vpwarde. And beneth, when I loked vpon him vnder the loynes, me thought he was lyke a shynynge fyre, that geueth lyght on euery syde. Yee, the shyne and glystre that lyghtened rounde about,
28 was lyke a raynbowe, which in a raynye daye appeareth in the cloudes. Euen so was the similytude, wherin the glorye of the Lorde appeared. When I sawe it, I fell vpon my face, and herkened vnto the voyce of hym that spake: