Ezekiel 17:3-10

Great(i) 3 & saye: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: There came a great Aegle wt greate wynges, yee, with a myghtye longe bodye, & full of fethers of dyuerse coloures, vpon the mount of Libanus, & toke the hyest braunch from a Cedre tree, 4 & brake of the toppe of his twygge, & caryed it into the lande of Canaan, & set it in a cyte of marchauntes. 5 He toke also of the seade of the lande, & planted it in a frutefull grounde, he brought it vnto greate waters, and set it as a wyllowe tree therby. 6 Then dyd it growe, and was a greate vynestocke, but lowe by the grounde whose braunches turned in to it selfe, and the rotes of it, were fastened vnder it, thus there came of it a vyne, and it brought forth blossomes, & spred out braunches. 7 But there was another Aegle, a great one, which had greate winges & many fethers: and beholde, the rotes of thys vyne had an hunger after him, & spred out his braunches towarde him, that he myght water her with the orchyerd that he had planted. 8 Neuertheles, it was planted vpon a good ground besyde greate waters: so that (by reason) it shulde haue brought out braunches & frute, & haue bene a goodly vyne. 9 Speake thou therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde God: Shall this vyne prospere? shall not his rotes be pluckte oute, his frute be broken of, his grene braunches, wither & fade awaye? ye, without ether stronge arme or many people, shall it be plucked vp by the rotes. 10 Beholde, it was planted: shall it prospere therfore? Shal it not be dryed vp & withered, yee, euen in the shutinge out of his blossomes, as soone as the east winde bloweth?