Ezekiel 17:3 Cross References - Great

3 & saye: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: There came a great Aegle wt greate wynges, yee, with a myghtye longe bodye, & full of fethers of dyuerse coloures, vpon the mount of Libanus, & toke the hyest braunch from a Cedre tree,

Deuteronomy 28:49

49 And the Lord shall brynge a nacyon vpon the from a farre, and from the ende of the worlde, as swifte as an egle flyeth: a nacyon whose tonge thou shalt not vnderstande:

2 Kings 24:10-16

10 In that tyme came the seruauntes of Nabuchadnezar kyng of Babilon vp against Ierusalem, & the citye was beseged. 11 And Nabuchadnezar the king of Babylon came agaynst the citye: & his seruauntes dyd besege it. 12 And Iehoachin the kyng of Iuda came out to the kynge of Babylon he and hys mother, hys seruauntes, hys lordes, and hys chamberlaynes. And the kyng of Babilon toke him, in the eyght yere of hys raygne. 13 And he caryed out thence all the treasures of the house of the Lorde, & the treasure of the kynges house: and brake all the vessels of golde, which Salomon kynge of Israel had made in the temple of the Lorde, as the Lorde had sayde. 14 And he caryed awaye all Ierusalem, and all the lordes, and all the strong men of warre, euen .x.M. into captiuite: and all craftes men and kepers, none remayning saue the poore commen people of the lande. 15 And he caryed awaye Iehoachin to Babylon, and the kynges mother, and the kynges wyues, his chamberlayns, and them that were myghty in the lande: those caryed he awaye into captiuyte from Ierusalem to Babilon. 16 And all the actiue men of warre, euen .vij.M. and craftesmen, and porters .M. all that were stronge and apte for warre, dyd the kinge of Babilon bryng to Babilon captyue.

2 Chronicles 36:9-10

9 Iehoacin was eyght yeare olde whan he beganne to raygne, and he raygned thre monethes and ten dayes in Ierusalem: and dyd euelll in the sight of the Lorde: 10 And when the yeare was out, kynge Nabuchodonosor sent, and let him to Babilon with the goodly vessels of the house of the Lord, and made Zedekia (his fathers brother) kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem.

Jeremiah 4:13

13 For lo, he commeth downe lyke as a cloude, and his charrettes are lyke a stormye wynde: His horsemen are swyfter then the Egle. Woo vnto vs, for we are destroyed.

Jeremiah 22:23-28

23 thou that dwellest vpon Libanus, & makest thy nest in the Cedre trees O how litle shalt thou be regarded when thy sorowes & pangues come vpon the, as a woman trauelynge with chylde. 24 As truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lorde:) Though Conanias the sonne of Iehoakim kynge of Iuda were the sygnet of my right hande, yet will I plucke him of. 25 And I will geue the into the power of them that seke to slaye the, and into the power of them that thou fearest: into the power of Nabuchodonosor the Kynge of Babylon, and into the power of the Caldees. 26 Moreouer, I wyll sende the, and thy mother that bare the into a straunge lande, where ye were not borne, and there shall ye dye. 27 But as for the lande that ye wyll desyre to returne vnto, ye shal neuer come at it agayne. 28 This man Conanias shall be lyke an ymage robbed & torne in peces, which pleaseth noman, for all hys apparell. Wherfore both he and his sede shalbe sent awaye, and cast out into a lande, that they knowe not.

Jeremiah 24:1

1 The Lorde shewed me a vysion: Beholde, there stode two maundes of fygges before the temple of the Lorde, after that Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babylon had led awaye captiue Iechonias the sonne of Iehoakim kynge of Iuda the myghtie men also of Iuda, with the worckmasters, and connynge men of Ierusalem, vnto Babilon.

Jeremiah 48:40

40 For thus sayth the Lorde. Beholde, the enemye shall come flieng as an aegle: & sprede hys winges vpon Moab.

Jeremiah 49:16

16 Thy hye stomacke and the pryde of thy herte haue disceaued the, because thou wylt dwell in the holes of stony rockes, and haue the hye mountaynes in possession. Neuertheles, though thy neste were as hye as the aegles, yet wyll I cast the downe, sayeth the Lorde.

Lamentations 4:19

19 Oure persecuters are swyfter then the Aegles of the ayre, they folowed vpon vs ouer the mountaynes and layed wayte for vs in the wyldernesse.

Ezekiel 17:7

7 But there was another Aegle, a great one, which had greate winges & many fethers: and beholde, the rotes of thys vyne had an hunger after him, & spred out his braunches towarde him, that he myght water her with the orchyerd that he had planted.

Ezekiel 17:12-21

12 Speake to that frowarde housholde: knowe ye not, what these thynges do signifye? Tell them: Beholde, the kynge of Babylon came to Ierusalem, & toke the kynge and his prynces, and ledde them to Babylon. 13 He toke of the kynges sede, and made a couenaunt wyth hym, and toke an othe of him: The Prynces of the lande toke he with him also, 14 that the lande myght be holden in subieccyon, and not to rebelle, but kepe the couenaunt, and fulfyll it. 15 But he fell from him, & sent his Embassytours into Egypt that he myght haue horses and moche people. Shulde that prospere? Shulde he be kepte safe, that doth soch thynges? Or shulde he escape, that breaketh hys couenaunt? 16 As truly as I lyue sayeth the Lorde God: He shall dye at Babylon, in the place where the kynge dwelleth, that made hym kynge: whose othe he hath despysed, and whose couenaunt he hath broken. 17 Nether shall Pharao with his greate host & multitude of people, maynteyne him in the warre: when they cast vp dyches, and set vp bulworkes to destroye moch people. 18 For seynge he hath despysed the othe, and broken the couenaunt (where as he yet gaue his hande ther vpon) and done all these thynges, he shall not escape. 19 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God. As truly as I lyue, I wyll brynge myne othe that he hath despysed, and my couenaunt that he hath broken, vpon his awne head. 20 I wyll cast my net aboute him, and catch him in my yarne. To Babylon will I carie him, there will I punishe him, because of the greate offence that he made me. 21 As for those that fle from him out of the hoost, they shalbe slayne with the swearde. The resydue shalbe scatred towarde all the wyndes: and ye shall knowe, that I the Lorde haue spoken it.

Daniel 2:38

38 & hath delyuered the all thynges, that are amonge the children of men: the beastes of the felde, & the foules vnder the heauen, and geuen the dominion ouer them all. Thou art that golden head.

Daniel 4:22

22 Euen thou (O kynge) art the tre, greate and stronge. Thy greatnes increaceth, & reacheth vnto the heauen, so doth thy power to the endes of the earth.

Daniel 7:4

4 The fyrst was as a lyon, and yet had he Aegles wynges. I sawe, that his wynges were plucte from hym, and he taken awaye from the earth: that he stode vpon hys fete as a man, and that there was geuen him a mans herte.

Hosea 8:1

1 Set the horne to thy mouth, and blowe: swyftly (as an Aegle) shall the enemye come against the house of the Lorde: for they haue broken my couenaunt, & transgressed my lawe.

Matthew 24:28

28 For wheresoeuer a deed karkas is, euen thether wyll the Egles also be gathered together.

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