4 Thy gere that thou hast made redy to flyt wythall, shalt thou beare out by fayre daye lyght that they maye se: and thou thy selfe shalt go forth also at euen in their syght, as a man doth when he flytteth.
5 Dygge thorowe the wall, that they maye se & beare thorow it the same thyng, that thou tokest vp in their syght.
6 In ther syght that shalt thou beare vpon thy shulders, & cary yt forthe in the darke. Hyde thy face that thou se not the earth, for I haue made the a shewtoken vnto the house of Israel.
7 Nowe as the Lorde commaunded me, so I dyd: the geare that I had made readie brought I out by daye. At euen I brake downe an hole thorow the wall wyth my hande: and when it was darcke, I toke the gere vpon my shoulders, and bare them out in theyr syght.
8 And in the mornynge, came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, sayinge:
9 Thou sonne of man, yf Israel that frowarde housholde aske the, and saye: what doest thou there?
10 Then tell them: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Thys punyshment toucheth the chefe rulers at Ierusalem, and all the house of Israel, that dwell amonge them:
11 Tell them: I am youre shewe token: lyke as I haue done, so shall it happen vnto you: Flyt shall ye also, and go into captiuitie.
12 The chefest that is amonge you, shall lade hys shulders in the darcke, & get hym awaye. He shall breake downe the wall, to carye stuffe therthorow: He shall couer his face, that he se not the grounde, with his eyes.