Exodus 5:15-21

Great(i) 15 The offycers also of the chyldren of Israel came & complayned vnto Pharao, sayinge: wherfore dealest thou thus wyth thy seruauntes? 16 there is no strawe geuen vnto thy seruauntes, and they saye vnto vs: make brycke. And thy seruauntes are beaten, and thy people is foule intreated. 17 He sayde: ydell ar ye, ydell, and therfore ye saye: We wyll goo and do sacrifyce vnto the Lorde. 18 Goo therfore nowe and worke, and ther shall no strawe be geuen you, and yet shall ye delyuer the hole tale of brycke. 19 And the offycers of the chyldren of Israel dyd wyth heuynes loke on them that sayde: ye shall minyshe nothynge of youre daylye makynge of brycke. 20 And they mett Moses and Aaron, which stode in there waye as they came out from Pharao, 21 & sayde vnto them: The Lorde loke vnto you and iudge you, whych hath made the sauoure of vs stincke in the eyes of Pharao & in the eyes of his seruauntes, and haue put a swerde in their hande to slee vs.