1 And Bezaleel wrought, & Aholiab and all wyse harted men, to whom the Lorde gaue wysdome and vnderstandynge, to knowe howe to worcke all maner worke for the seruyce of the Sanctuary, and all that the Lorde had commaunded.
2 And Moses called Bezaleel, Aholiab and all the wyse herted men and soche as the Lorde had geuen wysdome vnto, and as many as theyr hartes coraged to come vnto that worcke to worcke it.
3 And they receaued of Moses all the present, whyche the chyldren of Israell had brought for the worcke of the seruyce of the Sanctuary, to make it. And besyde that they brought giftes vnto it euery daye in the mornynge.
4 And all the wyse men that wrought all the holye worcke, came euery man from hys worcke whyche they made,
5 and spake vnto Moses, sayinge: the people brynge to moche and more then ynough for the seruyce and worcke whyche the Lord hath commaunded to be made.
6 And then Moses gaue a commaundement, and they caused it to be proclaymed thorowe out the hoste sayinge: se that nether man nor woman prepare any moare worcke for the present of the Sanctuary: and so the people were forbydden to bringe:
7 for the stuffe they had, was sufficyent for all the worcke, to make it, and to moche.
8 All the wyse harted men therfore, and they that wroughte for the habitacyon, made ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke, yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet: with pictures of broderd worcke made he them.
9 The length of one curtayne was .xxviii. cubytes, and the breadth foure and the curtaynes were all of one syse.
10 And he coulpled fyue curtayns by them selues, and other fyue by them selues.
11 And he made lowpes of yelowe sylke alonge by the edge of one curtayne, euen in the seluege of the couplynge courtayne. And lykewyse he made on the syde of the couplynge curtayne on the other syde.
12 Fyftye lowpes made he in the one curtayne, & fyftye in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the other syde: and the lowpes helde one curtayne to another.
13 And he made fyftye rynges of golde, and coupled the curtaynes one to another wyth the rynges: and so was it made one dwellynge place.
14 And he made .xi. curtaynes of goates herre, to be a tent ouer the tabernacle.
15 The length of a curtayne, had .xxx. cubytes and was foure cubites brode, and they all eleuen of one syse.
16 And he coupled fyue curtaynes by them selues, & syxe by them selues,
17 and he made fyftye lowpes alonge by the border of the vtmost couplynge curtayne, and fyftye in the edge of the other couplynge curtayne.
18 And he made fyftye rynges of brasse to couple the tent together, that it myght be one.
19 And he made a couerynge vpon the tent of rammes skynnes redd, and yet another of taxus skinnes aboue that.
20 And he made stondynge bordes (for the tabernacle) of Sethim wodd.
21 The length of a borde was ten cubytes, the breadth one cubyte and a halfe.
22 One borde had two fete, wherby they were ioyned one to another. And thus made he for all the bordes of the Tabernacle.
23 And he made .xx. bordes for the southsyde of the habitacyon,
24 and .xl. sockettes of syluer vnder the .xx. boordes two sockettes vnder one boorde, for his two fete.
25 And for the other syde of the dwelling which is towarde the north, he made twentye boordes,
26 & theyr fourtye sockettes of syluer, two sockettes vnder one boorde.
27 And towarde the west ende of the Tabernacle. He made syxe boordes,
28 and two other bordes made he in the corners of the habitacyon for eyther syde,
29 and they were ioyned closse beneth and aboue with a clampe, and thus they dyd to both the corners.
30 And there were eyght boordes & syxtene sockettes, of syluer, vnder euery borde two sockettes.
31 And he made barres of Sethim wodd fyue for the bordes of the Tabernacle in the one syde:
32 and fyue for the bordes of the Tabernacle in the other syde, and fyue barres for the boordes of the habitacyon in the west ende.
33 And he made the myddest barre to shote thorowe the bordes: euen from the one ende to the other,
34 and ouerlayde the boordes wyth golde, and made rynges of golde to thrust the barres thorowe, and couered the barres wyth golde.
35 And he made an hangyng of yelow sylke, purple, scarlet and whyte twyned sylke, euen with pyctures made he it of broderd worcke.
36 And made ther vnto foure pillers of Sethim wodd, and ouerlayde them with golde. Theyr knoppes were also of golde, and he cast for them foure sockettes of syluer.
37 And he made an hangynge for the tabernacle dore: of yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet and whyte twyned sylke of nedle worcke.
38 And the fyue pylers of it with theyr knoppes, & ouerlayde the knoppes of them & the whopes wyth golde. Their fyue sockettes also were of brasse.