Exodus 23:27-31

Great(i) 27 I wyll sende my feare before the, and wyll trouble all the people whether thou shalt go. And I will make all thine enemyes turne theyr backes vnto the, 28 and I wyll sende hornettes before the, which shall dryue out the Heuites, the Cananites, and the Hethites before the. 29 Neuertheles I wyll not cast them oute in one yere, lest the lande growe to a wyldernesse: and the beastes of the felde multiplie agaynst the. 30 By lytle and lytle I will dryue them oute before the, vntyll thou be increased, & enheret the lande. 31 And I wyll make thy costes from the redd see vnto the see of the Philistines, and from the deserte vnto the ryuer. For I wyll delyuer the inhabyters of the lande into thyne hande, and thou shalt dryue them oute before the.