27 Go thou and here all that the Lord oure God sayeth, and tell thou vnto vs all that the Lord oure God sayeth vnto the and we wyll heare it and do it.
28 And the Lorde hearde the voyce of youre wordes when ye spake vnto me, & the Lorde sayde vnto me: I haue herde the voyce of the wordes of thys people, which they haue spoken vnto the, they haue well sayed all that they haue spoken.
29 Oh that ther were such an hert in them that they wolde feare me, & kepe all my commaundementes alwaye, that it myghte go wel with them, and with theyr chyldren for euer.
30 Go and saye vnto them: gett you into youre tentes agayne,
31 but stande thou here by me, and I wyll tell the all the commaundementes, ordinaunces and lawes, which thou shalt teache them, that they maye do them in the lande which I geue them to possesse.