22 These wordes the Lorde spake vnto all your multitude in the mount out of the myddes of the fyre, cloude and darcknesse, with a greate voyce, added nomore therto, and wrote them in two tables of stone, and delyuered them vnto me.
23 And it fortuned, that whan ye herde the voyce out of the myddes of the darcknesse, & sawe that the hill dyd burne with fyre, ye came vnto me with the captaynes of youre tribes and youre elders:
24 and ye sayde: beholde, the Lord oure God hath shewed vs his glorye and his greatnesse, & we haue herde his voyce out of the myddes of the fyre: we haue sene thys daye, that God doth talke wyth a man, and he yet lyueth.
25 Nowe therfore, why shulde we dye, that thys greate fyre shulde consume vs? If we heare the voyce of the Lord oure God any moare, we shal dye.
26 For what fleshe hath it bene, that euer hearde the voyce of the lyuynge God speakinge out of the myddes of the fyre (as we haue done) and yet dyd lyue?