15 But he that shulde haue bene vpryght, whan he waxed fatt, spurned with his hele. Thou art well fedd, thou art growen thick: thou art euen laden with fatnesse. And he forsoke God his maker, & regarded not the God of his saluacyon.
16 They prouoked hym to angre with straunge goddes: euen wt abhominacyons prouoked they him
17 They offered vnto deuels, and not to God, euen to goddes whom they knewe not: to newe goddes that came newly vp, whom their fathers feared not.
18 Of the rocke that begat the, thou arte vnmyndefull, and hast forgotten God that made the.
19 The Lorde therfore sawe it, and was angrye, because of the prouokynge of hys sonnes and of hys daughters.
20 And he sayde: I wyll hyde my face from them, & will se what their ende shall be. For they are a very fro warde generacion, chyldren in whom is no fayth.
21 They haue angred me wyth that whych is no God, and prouoked me wyth their vanyties. And I also wyll prouoke them with those whych are no people, I wyll anger them wyth a folyshe nacion.
22 For fyre is kyndled in my wrath, & burneth vnto the botome of hell. And hath consumed the earth with her encrease, and sett a fyre the botoms of the mountaynes.
23 I will heape mischeues vpon them, & wyll destroye them wyth myne arowes.