Daniel 7:4-6

Great(i) 4 The fyrst was as a lyon, and yet had he Aegles wynges. I sawe, that his wynges were plucte from hym, and he taken awaye from the earth: that he stode vpon hys fete as a man, and that there was geuen him a mans herte. 5 Beholde, the seconde beast was lyke a beare, & stode vpon the one syde. Among his teeth in his mouth he had .iii. greate longe teeth, & it was sayde vnto him. Aryse, eate vp, moch flesh. 6 Then I loked, and beholde, there was another lyke vnto a leoparde, this had wynges as a foule, euen foure vpon the backe. Thys beast had foure heades, and there was power geuen hym.