21 In hys steade there shall aryse a vyle person, not holden worthy of a kynges dignytie: this shall come in peaceably, and optayne the kyngdome wyth fayre wordes:
22 he shall fyght agaynst the armes of the myghtye (and destroye them) yee, and agaynst the prince of the couenaunt.
23 So after that he hath taken truce wyth him, he shall handle disceatfully: that he maye get vp, and ouercome hym with a small flocke:
24 and so with craftynesse to get him to the fattest place of the lande, and to deale otherwyse, then ether his fathers or graundfathers dyd. For he shall destroye the thynge, that they had robbed & spoyled, yee, and all theyr substaunce: ymagenynge thoughtes agaynst the stronge holdes, and that for a tyme.
25 Hys power and herte shalbe sterred vp wyth a greate armye agaynst the kinge of the south where thorowe the kynge of the south shalbe moued then vnto battell, with a greate & myghtye hoost also. Neuerthelesse, he shall not be able to stande, for they shall conspyre against him.