9 Preach in the palaces at Asdod, and in the palaces of the lande of Egypt, and saye: gather you together vpon the mountaynes of Samaria, so shall ye se greate murther and violent oppressyon amonge them, for why? they regarde not the thinge that is ryght,
10 sayeth the Lorde: they gather together euell gotten goodes, and laye vp robbery in their houses:
11 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde God. This lande shalbe troubled and beseged rounde about, thy strength shalbe plucte from the, and thy palaces robbed.
12 Thus sayeth the Lorde. lyke as an heardman taketh two legges or a pece of an eare out of the lyons mouth: Euen so the chyldren of Israel (that dwell in Samaria) hauynge their couches in the corner, their beddes at Damascus, shalbe plucte awaye.
13 Heare, & beare recorde in the house of Iacob (sayeth the Lorde God of hoostes)
14 that when I begynne to vyset the wyckednesse of Israel, I will vyset the aulters at Bethell also: so that the hornes of the aulter shalbe broken of, and fall to the grounde.
15 As for the wynterhouse & sommerhouse I will smyte them downe: and the houses of yuery: yee, and many other houses shall peryshe, and be destroyed, sayeth the Lorde.