2 Peter 1:3-10

Great(i) 3 Accordynge as his godly power hath geuen vnto vs all thinges that pertayne vnto lyfe and godlynes, thorow the knowledge of him that hath called vs by glory, and vertue, 4 by the whych are geuen vnto vs excellent and moste greate promyses, that by the meanes therof ye myght be partakers of the godly nature, yf ye flye the corrupcyon of worldly lust. 5 And herunto geue all diligence: in youre fayth mynyster vertue: in vertue knowledge: 6 in knowledge temperaunce, in temperaunce pacience: in pacience godlynes, 7 in godlynes brotherly kyndnes, in brotherly kyndnes loue. 8 For yf these thynges be amonge you, and be plenteous, thy wyll make you that ye nether shalbe ydle nor vnfrutefull in the knowledge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ. 9 But he that lacketh these thynges, is blynde and gropeth for the waye wyth his hande, and hath forgotten, that he was pourged from hys olde synnes. 10 Wherfore brethren, geue the more diligence for to make your calling & eleccyon sure For yf ye do soch thynges, ye shall neuer fall.