18 And so there went one on horsbacke to mete him, and sayde: thus sayth the kynge: is it peace? and Iehu sayde: what hast thou to do with peace? turne the behynde me. And the wathman tolde, sayinge: the messenger came to them, but he commeth not agayne.
19 Then he sent out another on horsbacke, which came to them, and sayde: thus saythe the kynge: is it peace? Iehu answered: what hast thou to do with peace? turne the behind me.
20 And the watchman tolde, sayinge: he came to them also, and commeth not agayne, and the driuynge is lyke the driuynge of Iehu the sonne of Nimsi: for he driueth the charet as he were madd.
21 And Iehoram sayde: make ready. And the charet was made ready. And Iehoram kinge of Israel, and Ahaziahu kynge of Iuda went out ether of them in hys charet agaynst Iehu, and met hym in the furlonge of Naboth the Iezraelite.
22 And it fortuned, that when Iehoram sawe Iehu, he sayde: is it peace Iehu? He answered: What peace shulde there be, so longe as the whordoms of thy mother Iezabel, and her witchcraftes are so great?