27 And when she came to the man of God vp to the hyll, she caught him by the fete. But Gehezi went to her, to thrust her awaye. And the man of God sayde: let her alone, for her soule is vexed within her, and the Lorde hath hidd it from me, and hath not tolde it me.
28 Then she sayde: dyd I desyre a sonne of my Lorde? dyd I not require the, that thou shuldest not disceaue me?
29 Then he sayde to Gehezi: gyrde vp thy loynes, and take my staffe in thyne hande, and go thy waye. If thou mete anye man salute him not. And yf any salute the, answere him not agayne. And laye my staffe vpon the face of the chylde.
30 And the mother of the chylde sayde: as sure as the Lorde lyueth, & as thy soule liueth. I will not leaue the. And he arose and folowed her.
31 Gehezi went before them, & layed the staffe vpon the face of the chylde. But there was nether voyce nor any feling. Wherfore he went agayne to mete him, and tolde him, sayinge: the childe is not awaked.
32 And when Elisa was come into the house: Beholde, the chylde was deed and layde vpon his bed.
33 He went in therfore, & shut the dore to the ladd and him, and prayed vnto the Lorde.
34 And went vp & laye vpon the ladd, & put his mouth on his mouth, & his eyes vpon his eyes, & his handes vpon his handes, and whan he so laye vpon the chylde, the flesshe of the chylde waxed warme.
35 And he went agayne, & walked once vp and downe in the house, and then went vp, and layed him selfe vpon him agayne. And then the chylde gasped seuen times and opened his eyes.
36 And he called Gehezi, & sayde: Call for this Sunamite. So he called her: which when she was come in vnto him, he sayde vnto her: take thy sonne.
37 Therfore she went in, and fell at his fete, & bowed her selfe to the grounde, and toke vp her sonne, and went out.