2 Kings 18:28-32

Great(i) 28 And so Rabsake stode, and cryed with a lowde voyce in the Iewes language, and spake sayinge: heare the sayinge of the great kynge of Assyria. 29 Thus sayth the kynge: let not Hezekia begile you, for he shall not be able to delyuer you out of myne hande: 30 nether let Hezekia make you to trust in the Lorde, sayinge: the Lorde shall surely delyuer vs, and this cytie shall not be geuen ouer into the hande of the kynge of Assyria. 31 Herken not vnto Hezekia, for thus sayth the kynge of Assyria. Deale kyndely with me, & come out to me. And then eate euery man of his awne vyne, and of his awne fygge tree, & dryncke euery man of the water of his awne well, 32 tyll I come, and fett you to as good a lande as youres is: a lande of corne and wyne, a lande of bread and vyneyardes, a lande of oyle, of olyue trees, and of hony: that ye maye lyue, and not dye. And herken not vnto Hezekia, for he begyleth you, sayinge: the Lorde shall delyuer vs.