27 Then the kynge of Assyria commaunded sayenge: carye thether one or twayne of the Preastes, whom ye brought thence, and let them go, and dwell there, and teache them the fassyon howe to serue the God of the contreye.
28 And then one of the Preastes which they had caryed thence came, and dwelt in Bethel, and taught them howe they shulde feare the Lorde.
29 Howbeit euery nacyon made them Gods of theyr awne and put them in the houses of the Hyllaulters which the Samaritans had made, euery nacion in their cyties wherin they dwelt.
30 The men of Babilon made Socoth Benoth: and the men of Cuth made Nergal: and the men of Hamath made Asima.
31 The Auites made Nibbaz, and Tharthak. And the Sepharuites burnt theyr chyldren in fyre for Adramelech and Anamelech, the Gods of Sepharuaim.
32 And so they feared the Lorde, and made them Preastes of the Hyllaulters, which sacrifyced for them in the houses of the Hyllaulters.
33 And so they feared the Lorde, and serued theyr awne Gods after the maner of the people, whom they caryed thence.